...The Mullet House!!
10. This house runs out of many things-soap, toilet paper, paper towels, and airsoft BB's-but Mac and Cheese is never one of them. My personal favorite is Safeway spiral noodles with a slice of pepper jack cheese melted in and chili powder sprinkled over the top. Adding a hotdog or two creates pure bliss.
We have a lot of coffee too.
9. Escalating ideas. Actual situation from a few days ago when playing with a rubber band in a room full of people.
"I wonder what you can shoot? Lets try shooting a toothpick!"
"Oh you hit Triz! Here try to launch a sucker accross the room!"
"I bet you can't hit Sarah on the couch!"
*Louiville brings out chopstick*
"Ah that's a great idea! If the toothpick worked and it was small, clearly the chopstick will be better because it's bigger!"
...so on and so forth...
8. Dan Devine [or at least a picture of him, ever guarding our kitchen].
7. At the Mullet, we apply the quickest and most efficient disposal methods towards trash. Take for instance the Newspaper box that outlived its effectiveness.
Unfortunately, we forgot to close the bedroom window close to the burning box. The fan in the open window sucking in air from outside didn't help much either...
6. Our newsest favorite addition to the Mullet is a Lion Cookie Jar. It's always empty, but is prowdly displayed on our counter. When you open it's mouth it roars at you.
Take that scary lion!
5. Mullet Dinner. Highlight in itself. Though not a tradition, we generally always conclude Mullet Dinner with a YouTube video. LEROOOYYYYYY JENKINS!
4. Though slightly ticked off at first, I've become very accustom to the multiple alarms that go off every morning at 8am, thanks to my two roommates who could sleep through the Apocalypse. One morning Richie's alarm kept going off and he wasn't moving, so I threw a penny at him and hit him in the head. He still didn't move. So I threw another one. That finally woke him up.
3. Breakfast of Bachelors. One of my favorite mornings was eating breakfast with John Armstrong. Without flinching, he put down an entire bowl of leftover pork sausage. That was it. Nothing else. Just straight up pork sausage.
2. No Shave November. I try to participate, but come on, who can compete with this:
1. And finally, the Mullet Roof. Providing the best view of sunsets in Tucson