Saturday, April 4, 2009

Conflicting Interests

As I open my web browser (Google Chrome over Mozilla by a landslide.  And don't think I even considered opening Internet Explorer) and my homepage of loaded I scanned, as usual, through the headlines.  

Heading in the same Direction: America wants Europe to offer more than words of support for the new battle against the Taliban

G-Force: The G20 outcome is better than nothing, but can the IMF save the world?

India's election: Congress's great dynastic hope:

Rahul Gandhi kicks off his campaign for India's general election

and finally...

Madonna and No Child: International adoptions are not always for the best

Ready? Pop quiz. Which headline looks out of place?

Second quesiton - Out of the 4 which one story do you think I actually read?  Sad, huh...  There is something greatly appealing about personal, individual stories that I don't think I realize.