Monday, December 10, 2007

FROM JUNE 7 2007

40 hours of orientation and counting...

Actually its really not that bad. It even snowed all day yesterday and today, which was pretty sweet.

So far only one dude on my team has arrived, but I definitely can't complain about that. His name is Andy Hlushak, and he's sup[er awesome. Despite being slightly intimidated by him at the beginning due to his sweet beard, but I've really enjoyed being able to spend the last two days with him. His heart is really teachable, and seems to be in the perfect place for a summer like this. I am pretty excited

Like Nehemiah having 52 days to build a wall, I have about 2 months to do everything I can to establish the guys on my team. There are three areas specifically I would love my guys to grow in this summer:
1. Unity, such that our team would spur other teams on towards unity. (Romans 15:5-7)
2. Lasting Fruit. Any fruit I grow by my own power will be puny and best, and picked off by the enemy soon after everyone goes home. My prayer is of John 15:16, for God to develop fruit that will last.
3. Intimacy with Christ. Pray that my guys [and myself] will understand what it means to call Jesus a husband, and to read the Word as if it were a letter written by God specifically to them. (Hosea 2:16)
