Wednesday, October 1, 2008

What I do with my life

When told that I work for a rain gutter company in Arizona, the nearly predictable response is, "Arizona gets rain??"  Well, not much.  But here's some pics of what I do:

My company

Stylish work gear! (UV protection, too!)

In my profession you get to hang out on roofs a lot.

This is a gutter.  Funny story about this one in particular...  Turns out this color gutter has two sides, each a different color (both variations of red).  And as luck would have it, after running our 70feet of red I was told that we needed rosewood, the other color.  Major whoops.  Guess we'll come back to this job tomorrow...

We use ladders alot. Sometimes the metal is hot and burns my shins

I didn't realize until I started working this job that I actually am afraid of heights.  I hate them. Go figure... Probably the only thing I hate more than heights are extention ladders. Especially when you have to stand them almost vertical to reach what you need to.  I can't deny the beautiful view though. Tucson has a lot of them.

And there you go!  A day in the life of a gutter-guy.


mike cain said...

What the junk man. You're afraid of heights? How did that not come up?

Krista said...

How much time have you spent on the roof of the Mullet and not realized that you're afraid of heights?

Also, I'm sorry that you get burnt shins. That cannot be pleasant.

Ryan said...

I should clarify. I like heights. But I am terrified of extension ladders...