Tuesday, August 25, 2009

…and i will walk 5,000 miles…

Map of Campus

The lines are everywhere I walked during a typical recruitment day.  Oh yeah.  It’s that time of year.

Leave from house to walk to Gila dorm at 9:30am to pick up tent, gila to mall to set up tent, down the mall for free eegees, to mexican taco stand to hang with freshman I just met, back to tent for a while, random call from Richie who wreched his bike and lost a battle to the pavement, walk southwest to try and find him, return to tent, pack up tent and return it to Gila, continue to Starbucks to get an hour by myself, back to the Union for dinner with the crew, to the circle to drop Richie off at saferide, back over to Gila to pick up flyers, realize someone already picked them up and head to AZ-SO/Volleyball courts for Overflow, decide to go to Nico’s after Overflow, detour back to Gila, take a round a bout way to a parking lot, drive to Nico’s, get dropped off at House at 11:30pm.


robin said...

i miss it!!!! i think...