Wednesday, October 14, 2009

San Diego but not really

Highlights from the Beach Camping trip this last weekend:

- At least a dozen students asked why we were taking I-10 instead of I-8 if we were going to San Diego.  “easy” I said, “because we’re not going to San Diego. We’re going to south LA.” The irony?  My caravan took the 8 :).

- A car of all guys from our caravan (which I won’t identify) somehow made it through border patrol not wearing any pants.

- Dustin and Bryce sumo-ing on the beach

- Richie and his bro Steven also sumo-ing in a Moreno throw-down

- Edwardo’s car breaking down at the meeting point before leaving and a group of guys pushing his car into a parking spot, with all the students staring asking themselves “…who’s going to have to ride in that car?”

- Asking the famous Scraw camping trip question to a tent full of freshman guys.


  • 80 People
  • 18 Cars
  • 792 gallons of gas consumed
  • 1 stingray attack
  • 2 blown tires
  • 8 vehicles that tried to find the beach by going east (needless to say, they got lost)
  • 11 hours of sleep
  • 14 hours on the beach
  • 18 hours of driving
  • 1000+ pictures and counting
  • 2 students who were really, really, really sunburnt.


Steven said...

I am glad you are keeping the tradition alive.

robin said...

oh my goodness, i love it. and wish i had been a part of it!!

Ryan said...

we wish you could've too robin! There was a point in the trip where diana and I looked at each other and said "you know... even with 80 people this trip is noticable different without Jbarbs and Robin..."

And Steven of course, too. If your parents weren't in town Scraw we were going to invite you to come hang with us.