Saturday, August 9, 2008

Day 1 - Heb 11:1

Today begins my two week adventure to post a blog update everyday. The theme will be FAITH, because I believe God has been teaching me a lot about that lately.

I will start with Hebrews 11:1, because it is the best place to start with faith, and has continued to speak to me many a time.

Hebrews 11:1
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

Faith requires me to answer "yes" to two questions found in Heb. 11:6: Is God good, and is He near. I used to ask God to grow me in faith. But now coming to the end of a summer where God has done just that I believe instead that no one truly wants to grow in faith. A lot of people say they do. But when it comes down to it who wants to willingly enter into a place of trusting that what we hope for will come to be. We cannot see it, but are called to cling to it with certainty.

I do want to grow in faith. So far I have applied to more than 30 positions and have not received so much as an interview. I have visited two career advisers, allowed them to pick apart my resume, reworked my "system", and continued to move into rejection and failure. Though God has blessed fundraising, it too is not without obstacles that are out of my control.

Having faith with my finances is believing that, although there is no way I can envision Ariel and I being debt free in two years, I can be sure that the Lord can do this, and certain he will act on his promises.


mike cain said...

You are a great man of faith. The Lord never allows us to go through trials without a glorious reason. I know that He's using this too. Keep pressing on good friend.

John said...

How many opportunities did you have to passively run away from rejection? I bet a ton. It's been sweet to see you continue searching for jobs through tough experiences.

Dude, I'm excited to be praying that you and Ariel can be debt free in two years. Thats goin on my big prayer list, which just recently had a lot of things answered recently. God loves moving in huge ways and I pray that he will do that for you two. Not because of what you've done, but because he freakin loves to deal out blessings. Not just loves it... freakin loves it.