Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Day... 2? Psalm 61:2

Well so much for the consistency idea... Just goes to show you that no amount of motivation is enough for something you really don't like doing. Like blogging. :)

Psalm 61:2 says:
From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I.

Have you ever come across a verse that God brings up so many times that you realize you've memorized the verse without even trying? This is one of those verses for me.

God first put this verse on my heart half-way through my final semester at UofA as I was furiously job hunting. Through this verse I heard God promise to me that He would take me to a place I could never get to myself. I did not want (and still do now want) any ordinary job that I could claim I acquired myself through sheer talent. My faith is in God to provide something to lead somewhere I could never have gotten to myself.

Over the last several months the first half of the verse has become ever more real to me. I call as my heart grows faint. Maybe God won't come through and I will be left installing rain gutters for the next several years. Maybe installing rain gutters, working part time on campus, and laying a good foundation for my first year of marriage will be to much. Maybe Ariel and I won't be able to pay back our student loans after two years like we are praying for. Maybe we'll never make it to Japan to labor among the lost there.

And so I will call to my God increasingly louder, as if from the ends of the earth. I will continue to have confidence that He will never forget about his children. Lord, by faith would you lead me somewhere I could never get to on my own, both during this season of life and every season that follows.


John said...

Heck ya to a rock higher than us! Thats a good verse. I like reading your blog, thanks. :) :) :D (double smiley face and a gaping mouth smiley face)

TL said...

I admire your faith and resilence, it is a great encouragement. I believe the Lord will continue to bless you and Ariel. Keep blogging, it's good stuff!