Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Ezekiel, ya' old crazy preacher...

Today I read Ezekiel 40-48. Try as I might, I don't understand in the slightest the significance of the Temple. The new, glorious temple is mentioned in both Ezekiel and Revelations 20-21. It was constructed by Moses and the gang, beefed up by Solomon, slowly stripped by the stupid Judean kings that followed and used as tribute to Assyria and Babylon, demolished by King Neb of Babylon in 586bc, rebuilt by Ezra thanks to King Darius in 515bc-ish, (though it was a sad imitation of Solomon's), and destroyed again in 70ad by Rome. It hasn't been rebuilt since. Before the temple was annihilated Paul says "you yourselves are God's temple, and God's spirit lives in you." And the author of Hebrews adds that the Temple was a mere shadow/illustration/parable of the New Covenant, lighting the way for the One who can once and for all offer a sacrifice, meriting us perfect righteousness.

Why should the Temple be such an encouragement to Israel? Why should the Temple in Revelations be such an encouragement to us?


Steven said...

Indicates the presence of God, God dwelling with us, a permanent structure, sign of permanent presence...

rebuilding the temple was God being restored to the Israelites.