Monday, December 10, 2007

John the Baptist

JUNE 30 2007

...For some reason updating this blog is really difficult to motivate myself to do this summer...

Here are some reasons why I really admire John the Baptist:

-He knew his role: he was never to be Jesus, simply point people to Him.

-He never tried to compete with Jesus. Rather, he allowed Jesus to take his disciples.

-After a life of doing nothing but telling people that John is not the Christ and that Jesus is coming soon, he was thrown in prison and beheaded.

Here's why I like those things:

-I am not to be Jesus. I cannot solve the problems of the people on my team. I can try, but the best I can actually do is temporarily postpone the problem. Rather, my role is to take them to Jesus, whether hand in hand, ahead setting the pace for them, or behind pushing them.

-My goal is for my men to grow, and if at the end the summation of their growth is from the Holy Spirit transforming them in ways that I can't get near in Bible Studies, doing quiet times with them, or one on ones, that all the better.

-My reward is eternal.